Thursday, November 24, 2011

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow!

We had our first official snow fall yesterday and it did not disappoint!  I think by the end of the day we had over 30cm!  We canceled Jacob's speech therapy and took full advantage of a good old fashioned snow day:)  

We headed over to Carolyn and Geoff's (man it's great having family close enough to walk to!) and built some snowmen.  Jacob was more interested in knocking his down...  boys ;)

A.  all bundled up to play in the snow!

Auntie Carolyn and J.  I think he has a radar for pregnant people and wants to prepare them for a new baby by carrying him everywhere.  I hate to break it to you buddy, but there's a slight weight difference:) 

How did you all spend your first snow day?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

7 Months

Charis you are 7 months old (well technically you are 7 1/2 months but I'm late getting these pics up:) You are growing and changing so much everyday!  I feel like I'm constantly saying "When did you learn how to do that?"

You are still the most extroverted little girl!  You want to smile and talk to everyone who sees you.  You'll let other people hold you but you prefer it if Mommy or Daddy are in eyesight:)  You started waving Hi and Bye this past month and love to wave at people when you see them.

You are sitting like a champ and prefer to sit up over any other position.  You'll go on your belly, but so far you don't seem to have any desire to crawl, so I'm counting my lucky stars, because you will be BUSY when you do!  You are on the go all the time when you're sitting or being held!  You do not like to be still!  These day's your Jumperoo is your favorite place to play.

You are still a great sleeper and a great eater!  You sleep a solid 12 hours every night (7-7) and usually take 2 solid 2 hour naps a day!  That has been a huge blessing to your father and me.  

You are now eating 2 meals a day of solids and so far the only thing you haven't loved was green beens.  We started you on chicken last night and you gobbled it down in a few minutes!  Your newest food obsession is Cheerio's, you go crazy for them!

Your favorite toys right now are your lovie (you sleep with it every night), your stuffed animals (you talk to them the whole time you play with them) and anything you can chew on!

You and Jacob are really starting to interact more and more, and he loves to kiss you and make you laugh.  It always warms my heart to see you both sitting in the playroom laughing together.   You just think he is the best thing ever!  Mommy and Daddy hope you will be great friends growing up!

Your 7 month stats are:

Weight: 17.5 lbs (65%)
Height: 27 inches (80%)
You are in size 3 diapers
You wear size 6, 9 6-12month and 6-9 month clothes

Here is a comparison of you and your brother at the same age:

Mommy and Daddy love you so much sweet girl!  You are just a joy in our lives every day!

Friday, November 18, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's not secret to anyone who knows me that I LOVE Christmas!  The tree decorated and lit up, Christmas carols playing in the background while sitting in front of the fire place sipping an eggnog coffee....  ahhh that is what I consider perfection:)

It is purely out of respect for Adam that I haven't already decorated the whole house, he's insistent that nothing having to do with Christmas is to be seen around the house until the first Sunday of Advent (I may have snuck in some Christmas music with the kids while he was at work though).

All of that being said, I'm not ashamed to admit that I have been scouring the internet for a great online store to buy our Christmas cards from for quite some time.  Recently I was browsing through my blog reader and I came across some AWESOME Christmas card mock ups.  I quickly headed over to the site ( and I literally have 20 different styles saved in my favorites!

Well I don't have the time or patience to show you ALL of my favorites, I thought I would show you a few incase you want to head over there and check out the awesomeness yourself!

Here's a few of my fav's:

I love the simplicity and elegance of this one!
(How cute is that little girl by the way?)

I think this one would be super cute for a fun family card!

I think this one is my favorite so far.  I can never just chose one picture as my favorite so this allows a little varity, and I love how bright and fun all of those little trees are! 

So for all of you looking for some really cute Christmas cards for your family go check out the Holiday line over at Tiny Prints, I'm positive you won't be disappointed!  Also if you order today you can get 25% off your order, which is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me:)

***I was given 50 free cards for this review, but all opinions expressed on this blog are strictly my own!  You all know me if I find something that I love I just have to share it with everyone that I know:)****

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jacob is 2!!

To my sweet baby boy,

Jacob, the last two years have brought so much joy to our lives.  You are just the most unique, special little boy.  

The last year we have seen you grow from a baby into a little boy.  You are passionate, sensitive, stubborn, gentle, kind and loving.  You love to be silly and laugh, and every time you see your Daddy you just want to play and wrestle, and you just laugh so hard the whole time. 

You are a little weary of new situations, and are still pretty attached to Mommy, but once you're comfortable you warm up and have a great time.  This year you have done swimming lessons and gymnastics.  You love the balance beam, and you LOVE the water.  

This year has brought a lot of change for you.  In April you became a big brother at 17 months.  Your Daddy and I have been so impressed with how you have handled this role.  You are so loving and gentle with Charis.  You hug and kiss her all the time, and every time she gets a little rough with you, you just gently move her hand off of you.  I can tell you will be such a loving protective brother to her! We also moved for the 4th time in your life this year (WOW!) and I really hope this is the last move you have to go through for awhile!

You love animals, trucks, puzzles, music, anything artistic (coloring, painting, chalk), reading, trains, and pushing everything that has wheels.  You would love it if you could eat snacks and play outdoors all day!  

You are really not a big talker yet, but we started speech therapy this month and I'm SO excited to start hearing you speak!  This Mamma can't wait to hear your sweet little voice talking.  What you lack in words you certainly have no problem communicating in other ways!  You are a smart little cookie and understand so much it alway's amazes me! 

I can't wait to see what this next year brings, and pray that as we enter the "terrible twos" (it should be noted I think we've been there for awhile;) your Daddy and I are able to parent you with truth and grace and raise you to be the man that God has created you to be!



2 Year Stats

Weight: 27 lbs
Height: 36 inches
Diapers: size 4
18-24 month clothes and 2T 
Food: ALL fruit, broccoli, pasta, cheese, most meat, chili, quesadillas, and any snack food you can get your hands on:)